<p data-version='1.1'>Thanksgiving is right around the corner and Rainy is looking forward to everything the holiday has to offer: good food, great desserts, and the company of family.?<br/><br/>But living in Latney has a way of complicating even the best-laid plans, especially when Rainy Day is involved.<br/><br/>Because before she knows it, the Thanksgiving holiday suddenly becomes anything but relaxing. Between relationship issues with Gunnar and unexpected dinner guestsーwho somehow keep multiplyingーher idyllic holiday begins to disintegrate before her very eyes. And when a murder occurs in town, with someone she knows as the prime suspect, she quickly realizes that this will be a Thanksgiving unlike any she’s ever experienced before.<br/><br/>If she can survive the chaos.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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